「wessicasari.co.jp」のメールアドレスから不審なメールが届くという連絡をいただいています。「PAYMENT RECEIPT」という表題で英文の内容であり、不審なファイルが添付されています。「Hitomi J.Y@wessicasari.co.jp」という送信者ですが、弊社とは全く関係のないメールアドレスです。このメールアドレスから送られてきたメールは開かないようにくれぐれも宜しくお願い致します。取り急ぎみなさまへの緊急連絡とさせていただきます。お騒がせして申し訳ありませんでした。
Recently, occurred an incident that send suspicious mail using without permission our e-mail address. Title is payment receipt, there is a file attachment, content is English. If, please delete without opening absolutely Once you have received an email from the address of hitomiJ.Y @ wessicasari.co.jp. It does not use the above address at our company. With regard to this matter is urgent investigation, and then delete immediately.We are apologize about this matter.
Subject: bank payment receipt Dear Sir, Here on attached the swift of 38541.2USD. You have the complete payment so you need to send the Documents. Kindly send the following documents via DHL stamped and signed by your company for: BL ORIGINAL 3 copies of low value invoice original 3 copies of packing list original 1 export declaration 1 CO original The address is: Hikaru Fuji 2 12 2 Kaji Cho Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo 101 0044 Please email me dhl tracking number as soon as you send them. Thanks, Hitomi Jessica Yokoyama Wessica Sari Co.,Ltd.
Starting with Indonesian furniture in 2013, WessicaSari has been providing customers with a comprehensive selection of furniture and home decor products. We understand our customers want their homes to be a unique reflection of their personal style, and a place of comfort and inspiration to them and their families. That is why we are working tirelessly to provide all the resources you need to turn your house into a home. We are going promise if you want make more comfortable with your any room that we will be cooperate for your imagination. Please mail us and call us at first!